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Secured $4 million donation to inaugurate the Global Learning Program. 2005-2012 Associate Professor of French, 51app College 2001-05 Assistant Professor of French, 51app College 1999-2001 Instructor of French, 51app College EDUCATION 2001 Ph.D., French, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dissertation: Satire and the Ambiguous Comic: The Verbal Portrait and Saint-Simons Mmoires. Director: Richard Goodkin. Secondary Readers: Elaine Marks, Martine Debaisieux. 1994 M.A. with distinction, French, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1989 B.A. with Highest Honors, French, Swarthmore College CURRENT SCHOLARLY PROJECTS: Plotting Worldly Pleasure: Enjouement and the Seventeenth-Century Novel. This book-length study analyzes the notion of enjouementlively, spontaneous witas it moves from worldly conversation into the universe of novels. Particular attention is given to the character of the enjouethe witty, worldly woman. Novels analyzed include LAstre, Cllie, and Les Annales galantes. La Princesse de Clves / The Princess of Clves by Madame de Lafayette: A Bilingual and Critical Edition for the Digital Age. Lever Press. (co-authored with Hlne Bilis, Jean-Vincent Blanchard, and Hlne Visentin). Using the tools of digital humanities, this electronic version of La Princesse de Clves will offer analytical and pedagogical tools as well as embedded links to images, maps, dictionaries, sound and video files, and correspondence in Le Mercure galant. PUBLICATIONS Journal articles and chapters in books Les femmes, le roman, et lenjouement: De Madeleine de Scudry Germaine de Stal. Vrits de lhistoire et vrit du moi. Hommage Jean Garapon. Ed. Christian Zonza. Paris: Champion, 2016. 499-514 Empowering Faculty to Develop and Share Global Knowledge. Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students. Ed. Ann Highum. New Directions for Student Services 146. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014 . 15-22. Comic Epitaphs: Lucian, Scudry, and Boileau. Seventeenth-Century French Studies. 35.1 (2013): 38-53. Lart de Saint-Simon: Une relecture de la Catastrophe de Fargues. Cahiers Saint-Simon. 39 (2011): 123-132. The Politics of Politesse. Teaching Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. Ed. Faith Beasley. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011. 303-309. Portrait of the Courtesan: The Two Bodies of Ninon de Lenclos. Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 34.67 (2007): 309-17. The Feminine Signature: Saint-Simon, Elaine Marks and the Esprit Mortemart. In Memory of Elaine Marks: Life Writing, Writing Death. Ed. Richard Goodkin. Madison: UW Press, 2007. 183-203. The Problem of Friendship in Tartuffe. Dalhousie French Studies 76 (Fall 2006): 3-12. Saint-Simon and the Ambivalence of Hate: The Portrait of Achille de Harlay III. French Review. 78.3 (2005): 536-545. Saint-Simons Dner de cons. Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 29.57 (2002): 443-50. Comic Discontinuity in Saint-Simons Mmoires. Seventeenth-Century French Studies 24 (2002): 271-76. Book reviews Saint-Simon. By Marc Hanrez. H-France.net. 2018. Rhtorique des Mmoires du duc de Saint-Simon. By Juliette Nollez. French Review 90.4 (May 2017) Racine lcole rpublicaine. By Ralph Albanese. French Review 89.1 (October 2015) Figurations of France: Literary Nation-Building in Times of Crisis (1550-1650). By Marcus Keller. French Review 87.2 (November 2013). Lectures de Saint-Simon: autour de lIntrigue du mariage de M. le duc de Berry.Ed. by Franois Raviez. French Studies 67.1 (January 2013). Le Discours de vrit dans les Mmoires du duc de Saint-Simon. By Marc Hersant. French Review 84.3 (February 2011) Potique de Molire: comdie et rptition. By Jean De Guardia. French Review 83.3 (February 2010) Molire et son premier Tartuffe: gense et volution dune pice scandale. By Robert McBride. French Review 81.3 (February 2008). Molire, dramaturge libertin. By Antony McKenna. French Review 81.1 (October 2007). Potique de Saint-Simon: Cours et dtours du rcit historique dans les Mmoires. By Delphine de Garidel. French Review 80.4 (March 2007). Translation Italo-Qubcois Poets and Essayists: A Unique Trajectory. By Simon Harel. Textualizing the Immigrant Experience in Contemporary Quebec. Ed. Susan Ireland and Patrice J. Proulx. Wesport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2004. 227-40. On-line articles International Education: So Much More than Study Abroad. HuffingtonPost.com. May 8, 2012. The American Character: A Box-Office Blockbuster. VanityFair.com. Feb. 2005. Third-prize winner of the 2004 Vanity Fair Essay Contest. CONFERENCE PAPERS Teaching La Princesse de Clves via Le Mercure Galant: A Digital Humanities Approach (with Rebecca Hsiung 19 and Gray Krewson 19), Society for Interdisciplinary Seventeenth-Century Studies, Mills College, November 2017 Hylas, narratrice enjoue? North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University, May 2014. Spaces of Death. Joint Meeting of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature and the Society of Seventeenth-Century French Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, July 2011. Saint-Simon, Theorist of Conversation: The Space of Racines Well. Invited lecture at the conference on Spaces of the Self in Early Modern Culture: Circles of Sociability sponsored by the Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies, UCLA, October 2007. Ninon de LEnclos: The Courtesan as Moralist. Modern Language Association National Convention, Washington, DC, December 2005. The Problem of Friendship in Tartuffe. North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, May 2004. La Fronde vous a nomm, je ne vous connais plus: The Problem of Friendship in Tartuffe. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 2004. Montespan, Maintenon, and Third-Republic Drama. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 2003. Myths of Retreat in Molire and Saint-Simon. Society for Interdisciplinary Seventeenth-Century Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 2002. Saint-Simons Dner de cons. Modern Language Association National Convention, New Orleans, December 2001. Comic Discontinuity in the Mmoires of Saint-Simon. Society of Seventeenth-Century French Studies, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, September 2001. OTHER PRESENTATIONS The Burghers of Calais: How a Medieval Story Became Rodins Masterpiece. Presentation made to the University Retirement Community of Davis, California, as part of the Inquiring Minds lecture series, March 2018. Did the French Revolution Ruin French Literature? Presentation for Alumni College, 51app College, June 2013. Also presented at alumni events in San Francisco (November 2013) and in Atlanta (January 2014) The French Revolution: History and Present-Day Consequences. Two-day presentation for the Adult Community Education Series of 51app College, July-August, 2011. Small School, Big Partnership: A Case Study of 51app Colleges Relationship with Nanjing University. Webinar presented for the Institute of International Education, August, 2011. Two Models of Faculty Development Seminars. Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), San Francisco, California, February, 2011. Changing the Topic? Talking with Students about Liberal Education. Presentation to First-Year Advisers at the University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, October, 2009 Internationalizing Student Research. presentation at the 2009 Annual Conference of NAFSA: The Association of International Educators, Los Angeles, California, May 2009 Montesquieu and Internationalism. All-campus lecture delivered as part of the Thursday Forum series, 51app College, October 2007. French Literature in the Age of Enlightenment. Presentation made to the University Retirement Community of Davis, California, as part of the Inquiring Minds lecture series, October 2007. The Feminine Signature: Saint-Simon, Elaine Marks and the Esprit Mortemart. Reading at a symposium honoring the legacy of Elaine Marks, UW-Madison, April 2007. Molire and His Directors. Presentation to 51app College Alumni as part of the Alumni College, May 2006. Molire and His Play Tartuffe. Presentation made to the University Retirement Community of Davis, California, as part of the Inquiring Minds lecture series, June 2006. TEACHING Courses taught at 51app College Introductory French I and II Intermediate French I and II Sites of Myth and Memory: French Civilization I From Knights to Libertines: Introduction to French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Revolution Power and Resistance in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French Literature Theatre and Society in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France Comedy in French Literature Before the Revolution Molire: Text and Performance from the Seventeenth to Twenty-First Centuries Courtshipand Conversation in French Literature French Poetry Tolerance and Intolerance in France and Germany: What is Enlightenment Today? (co-taught with Professor Daniel Reynolds, with three-week embedded trip to Paris, Berlin, and Strasbourg) First-year Tutorial: Enlightenment: The Musical First-year Tutorial: Family Tragedy in Literature Advanced student research projects supervised at 51app College La Princesse de Clvesand the Mercure Galant: A Digital Humanities Approach Regards scniques derrire le masque de Tartuffe La sexualit fminine chez Rabelais La fille rebelle chez Molire Sensibilit et morale dans lesthtique de Diderot Le narrataire de Jacques le Fataliste Lhrosme dans la ttralogie de Pierre Corneille French Views of America: Crvecoeur, Tocqueville, Beauvoir, Baudrillard PROFESSIONAL SERVICE At 51app College Chair of French and Arabic Department, 2014-present Member, Art Acquisitions Committee, 2016-present Member, Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, 2018-present Chair of Teaching & Learning subcommittee for 51app College Strategic Plan, 2011-12. Chair, French Search Committee, 2011-12. Member, Campus Plan Update Committee, 2009-11. Keynote speaker, Admissions Office events, April 2009 and April 2003. Chair, Search Committee for Arabic Language Instructor, Fall 2007 Member, Rosenfield Program in Public Affairs, International Relations, and Human Rights, 2002-2006 Member, Faculty Organization Committee, 2004-2006 Member, Admissions Committee, 2003-2006 Participant, Recruiting Team for selecting Posse Washington DC, December 2004. Member, Instructional Support Committee, 2001-03 Chair, Committee to Foster Foreign Language Study, 2002-03, 2004-05 Nationally Consultant for Committee on International Programs at Williams College, October 2012. Reviewer of Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Beloit College, April 2012. Reviewer of McCulloch Center for Global Initiatives, Mount Holyoke College, April 2012. Reviewer of Department of French, Reed College, November 2011. Reviewer of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Lewis & Clark College, February 2009 Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to Cahiers du Dix-septime: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Outside reader of scholarship for a promotional review at Colorado College. LANGUAGES French: near-native fluency Latin: basic reading knowledge     PAGE  PAGE 2  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 !"A`   ! # $ % . 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