1226 Park St.
51²è¹İapp, IA 50112
United States
Jules Bacon
J. M. Bacon (Jules) is a Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Sociology Department. Their area of specialization is environmental sociology.
During their time at 51²è¹İapp they have taught:
- Introduction to Environmental Sociology
- Sociology of Climate Change
- Indigenous Approaches to Sociology
- Environmental Justice
- Sociology of Emotions
- Social Movements
- Methods of Empirical Investigation
- Introduction to Sociology
In fall 2021, they will be launching two new courses: a 200-level Sociology of Food and Agriculture and a seminar on Armed Conflict and the Environment.
Their research explores the relationship between culture, identity, and eco-social practices with a special focus on activism and environmental justice.
Some of their current research projects include an ongoing consideration of settler solidarity with Indigenous-led environmental activism and an analysis of the experiences of LBGTQ+ environmental activists. They are currently in the development phase of a new project looking at the experiences of younger environmentalists who are integrating social justice into their environmental work.
Jules earned their Ph.D. in Environmental Studies, Science, and Policy as well as an M.S. in Sociology from the University of Oregon and an M.A. in Literature and Culture from Oregon State University.
They were awarded the Environmental Sociology Early Career Prize in 2020 for their article “Settler colonialism as eco-social structure and the production of colonial ecological violence.â€