
Leslie Gregg-Jolly

Leslie A Gregg-Jolly

Professor Senior Faculty

Douglas Johnson ’77 Professor of Biology

Offices, Departments, or Centers: Biology , Biological Chemistry , Digital Studies ,

2019 Distinguished Faculty Member Award, Iowa Chapter of the AAUW for work for educational equity for women and underrepresented groups in higher education

Education and Degrees

B.A., Major: Biochemistry; Vassar College

M.S. and M. Ph., Biology; Yale University

Ph.D., Biology, 1991; Yale University

Post Doc. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona

Selected Publications

Scholarship focused on inclusive excellence

Gregg-Jolly L.A., R. Kington, D. Lopatto, and J.E. Swartz.2011. Benefits of lntertwining Teaching and Research. Science. 331:532.

Swartz, J. and Gregg-Jolly, L., A. 2018 Comprehensive Model for Undergraduate Science Education Reform to Better Serve the Underserved. In T. Kishbaugh and S. Cessan (ed) Increasing Retention of Under-Represented Students in STEM through Affective and Cognitive Interventions, ACS (American Chemical Society) Symposium Series #1301. 

Dibartolo, P.M.t, Gregg-Jolly, L.A. t, Gross, D. t, Manduca, C.A. t, Iverson, E. t, Cooke D.B., Davis, G.K., Davidson, C., Hertz, P.E., Hibbard, L., Ireland, S.K., Mader, C., Pai, A., Raps, S., Siwicki, K., and J.E. Swartz. 2016. CBE-Life Sciences Education, special issue "Broadening Participation in the Life Sciences". 15 :ar44 *co-lead authors. 

Gregg-Jolly, L.A., Swartz, J.E., Iverson, E., Stern, J., Brown, N., and D. Lopatto. . 2016 CBE-Life Sciences Education, special issue "Broadening Participation in the Life Sciences" 15(3), ar44-.

Selected publications elucidating the response of bacteria to DNA damage

Chakravorty, A., M. Klovstad, G. Peterson, R.E. Lindeman and L.A. Gregg-Jolly. 2008. Sensitivity of an Acinetobacter baylyi mpl Mutant to DNA Damage. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 1273-1275. 

Hare, J. M., S.N. Perkins, and L.A. Gregg-Jolly. 2006 A Constitutively Expressed umuDC Operon Regulates the recA-Dependent DNA Damage Induction of a Gene in Acinetobacter baylyi Strain ADPI. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72: 4036-4043

Rauch, P.J.G., R. Pa]men, A.A. Burds, L.A. Gregg-Jolly, J. R. van der Zee, and K.J. Hellingwerf. 1996. The expression of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus recA Gene Increases in Response to DNA Damage Independently of RecA and of Development of Competence for Natural Transformation. Microbiology. 142: 1025-1032. 

Lewis, L.K., G.R. Harlow, L.A. Gregg-Jolly, and D.W. Mount. 1994. Identification of High-Affinity Binding Sites for a Transcriptional Repressor Protein which Define New DNA Damage-Inducible Genes. J. Mol. Bio. 241:507-523. 

Gregg-Jolly, L.A. and L.N. Ornston. 1994. Properties of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus recA and Its Contribution to Intracellular Gene Conversion. Mol. Microbiol. 12:985-992.

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