Noyce Science Center,
1116 8th Street
51²č¹Żapp, IA 50112
United States
Pratima Hebbar
Pratima is a mathematician working in the fields of Probability, Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. She mainly works on problems arising from stochastic processes that are used to model various real-world phenomena. She studies the long-time behavior of these random processes by working on limit theorems, precise asymptotics, and large deviation results. Prior to coming to 51²č¹Żapp College, she spent three years as a Griffiths Assistant Research Professor at Duke University. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 2019. In her spare time, Pratima enjoys hiking, listening to audiobooks and spending time with family.
Education and Degrees
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, August 2019, Department of Mathematics, , College Park, USA.
- M.Sc. in Mathematics, May 2014, , Bengaluru, India.
- B.Sc. in Mathematics, May 2012, , India.