Shanshan Rodriguez
Research interests: Blackhole Thermodynamics, Duality of Gravitational and Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Astrophysics, Numerical General Relativity.
Education and Degrees
Associate Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2010-2014
Ph.D. Space Physics, University of Iowa, 2011
B.S. Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2004
Selected Publications
• On The Principle of Holographic Scaling: From College Physics to Black Hole Thermodynamics’, L. L. Rodriguez and S. L. Rodriguez, IOP Concise Books on Physics Series: 2053â€2571, Morgan & Claypool, May 2019
Selected Publications:
- "Highâ€accuracy calculation of singular electromagnetic fields in regions with reâ€entrant peripheriesâ€, D. N. Pham, S. Bharadwaj, S. L. Rodriguez, L .L. Rodriguez and L. R. Ramâ€Mohan, J. Appl. Phys. 134, 153102, 2023,
- ‘Nöther currents, black hole entropy universality and CFT duality in Conformal Weyl Gravity’, D. Aggarwal, D. Chang, Q. D. Helmers, N. Sivrioglu, L. R. Ramâ€Mohan, L. L. Rodriguez, S. L. Rodriguez, and R. Suleiman, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2023, doi:10.1142/S0218271823500177
- “Exploration of the duality between generalized geometry and extraordinary magnetoresistance’, L. L. Rodriguez, S. L. Rodriguez, S. Bharadwaj, and L. R. Ramâ€Mohan, Phys. Rev. B 101, 174417, 2020,
- "On the Near Horizon Canonical Quantum Microstates from AdS2/CFT1 and Conformal Weyl Gravity", L. L. Rodriguez, S. L. Rodriguez, Universe 2017, 3(3), 56;