Nollen House
51画鋼app, IA 50112
United States
Cheryl Walsh
Correspondence Assistant to the President
Cheryl works in the Office of the President. She manages email and assists with President Harris's communications.
Education and Degrees
B.A. in interdisciplinary humanities and German, Michigan State University
M.A. in English history, Cornell University
M.F.A. in creative writing, Virginia Commonwealth University
Selected Publications
. (Manhattan KS: American Buffalo Books, 2023) (novel).
. Women Writers, Women['s] Books, August 20, 2023 (nonfiction).
Haarlem Proposition. Inspired (Pinal AZ: Quillkeepers Press, 2022), 48-51 (short story).
Rooted and Wild Tulips. (Plants & Poetry, October 2022) (poetry).
E韓韓鉛看姻艶壊界艶稼界艶. , Fall 2022 (poetry).
. Embark Literary Journal, April 2022 (novel opening).
. Burningword Literary Journal, April 2022 (flash fiction).
. Short dition, Michigan State University Libraries themed issue: Home, November 2021 (short story).
Mount Quandary. The MacGuffin, 32 (1) (2015): 23足29 (short story).
My Mothers Atlas. Imagination & Place: Cartography (Lawrence KS: Imagination and Place Press, 2013), 54足68 (short story).
The Art of Isolation. Platte Valley Review, 33 (1) (2012): 17380 (memoir).
. The Drum Literary Magazine, Issue 18 (2011) (audio short story).
Truth, prejudice, and the power of narrative in Caleb Williams. English Language Notes, 35 (4) (1998): 2238 (scholarship).
The Incarnation and the Christian socialist conscience in the Victorian Church of England. Journal of British Studies, 34 (1995): 35174 (scholarship).
The voices in Karshish: a Bakhtinian reading of Robert Brownings Epistle. Victorian Poetry, 31 (1993): 21326 (scholarship).