Voting Early in Iowa
To vote early in Iowa, you may vote in person at a satellite location or by absentee ballot at the county auditor’s office.
- Early/Satellite Voting: Satellite voting sites are often made available by petition before elections. Your is your definitive source for satellite options near you.
- Absentee Voting: In Iowa, you may also cast absentee votes in person at your county auditor’s office before an election. Information about absentee voting in person in Iowa is available on the .
Voting in Iowa on the Day of the Election
Voting in Iowa is a busy day! Make sure to plan ahead.
- Precincts and Polling Locations: Voting location depends on your address. To find your polling place for election day, please visit .
- Voting ID Requirements: Iowa voters are required to show an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID, U.S. passport, U.S. military ID or veteran’s ID, tribal ID/document, or Iowa voter ID card at the polls before they vote. A voter without one of the listed forms of ID may have the voter’s identity attested to by another registered voter in the precinct or may prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents. Voters without the necessary ID or an attester will be offered a provisional ballot and can provide ID up until the time of the county canvass of votes (Monday after election day for General Elections). More information about voter ID requirements can be found on the .
Students will receive their proof of residency in their student email account prior to the election. You will be allowed to provide this proof digitally at the polling location.
- Curbside Voting and Other Accessibility Options: The state of Iowa offers several accessibility options including curbside voting. For more information about voting in Iowa for voters with disabilities, visit as well as the .
- Transportation to Polling Sites: As a courtesy, 51²è¹Ýapp College offers election day transportation to local polling. On voting day, a shuttle will depart from the Joe Rosenfield Center ‘25 (JRC) on the half hour during polling hours. For more information about shuttle details, contact .
- Employee Voting Leave Policy: The College voting leave policy is described in the Staff Handbook as follows:
Information on this page updated on 1/21/2025.