The Ombuds Office: What to Expect (PDF)
Conflict Tips and Resources from the Ombuds
- Email/Online Communication and Conflict Escalation (PDF)
- Navigating Complaint, Grievance, and Appeal Processes (PDF)
- Ombuds and the Fairness Triangle (PDF)
- The Power of Listening (PDF)
- Questions to Stay Curious and Conversational While Disagreeing (PDF)
- Service Overview: The Basics of Informal Mediation (PDF)
- Service Overview: Discussions - Ombuds Facilitated Conversation and Dialogue (PDF)
- The Gift of Feedback (PDF)
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles (PDF)
51²č¹Żapp College Resources
- (PDF)
- Student Handbook
Emergency Contacts
Confidential Resources
Employment Resources
- - Employee Assistance Program, an employer provided benefit.
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Policies regarding privacy of student records
- - Federal discrimination laws and related information
Conflict Management Workshops
- The Ombuds will present, train, facilitate, and develop workshops (collaboratively and independently) to help meet the needs of the community.
- Sessions are adaptable in terms of content, format, and length. For planning purposes, typical run times are from 30 to 90 minutes.
- To explore the viability of a particular offering, contact the Ombuds Office 641-269-9399 or
Ombuds Office Lending Library
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