
Research Ethics

At 51²č¹Żapp College, scholarly, creative, and research opportunities are available for faculty and students in all departments. Research ranges from qualitative to quantitative research, field studies at CERA, or laboratory work.

Federal regulations necessitate increased awareness of the ethical implications and considerations when undertaking a research project. If you conduct research in association with 51²č¹Żapp College, please refer to the resources below to determine what type of review may be necessary for your project.

Responsible Conduct of Research

Researchers have important professional and regulatory responsibilities related to the the responsible conduct of research (RCR), which is broadly defined as the practice of scholarship and scientific investigation with integrity.  This site provides information and resources regarding NSF and NIH requirements regarding RCR.

  • NSF Competes requires training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research.  Visit for more information and resources.
  • NIH recently updated the RCR Education Requirements.   See.  The updated Policy covers specific award mechanisms and is effective for new and renewal applications submitted on or after January 25, 2010. Updates are effective for all continuation applications with deadlines on or after January 1, 2011.

Office of Research Integrity

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

51²č¹Żapp Resources

IRB oversees all College research that involves human participants. The (login required) includes general IRB information, human research proposal forms, online ethics training tutorials and additional links for both students and faculty.

IACUC reviews all College research that includes animal subjects. 51²č¹Żapp's IACUC page contains general IACUC information, animal research proposal forms, online ethics training tutorials, and supplementary links for students and faculty.

IBC evaluates all College research that utilizes biohazards, such as recombinant DNA and infectious agents. The IBC page covers general IBC information, biohazard safety guidelines and regulations, online biohazard training tutorials, and additional links for both students and faculty.

The RSC oversees the purchase, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials; provides training for faculty and students who work with radioactive materials; ensures monitoring instruments are calibrated annually; and serves as a resource for faculty and staff who have questions about radioactive materials issues.

The Chemical Safety Committee meets as needed, no less than annually, to discuss matters related to chemical safety and the Collegeā€™s Chemical Hygiene Plan (PDF).

Current committee co-chairs are Chris Bair and Norm Braaten.

Sharon Isley serves as the College Chemical Safety Officer.

Contact Information


2221 Noyce Science Center
1116 Eighth Avenue
51²č¹Żapp, IA 50112
United States

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