Pilot Projects
51²č¹Żapp College Immersive Environments Lab (GCIEL)
Contact: David Neville
This pilot project will continue the work of the original GCIEL planning project to develop a laboratory for designing, developing, evaluating, and distributing immersive three-dimensional (3D), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) environments in teaching and research contexts. The pilot will support student positions, a speaker series, and site-based research for GCIEL projects. Please see for more information.
Digital Stories for Social Justice: A New Course Model and Story Archive
Contact: Tammy Nyden, Stephanie Jones, and Kesho Scott
Digital Stories for Social Justice is a new course model that combines a course on a social justice issue with a 2-credit digital stories lab. The lab teaches software and storytelling techniques so students can communicate their course learning to a wide variety of audiences through digital media. Products include interactive infographics and videos that integrate data stories with narratives of lived experience. These are disseminated online through social media, the course website, Digital 51²č¹Żapp, and through community events (such as video screenings). Students access personal narratives for their projects through a Digital 51²č¹Żapp archive of audio recordings and transcripts of interviews related to social justice. The leads are creating the story archive in collaboration with community organizations.
Planning Project
Dialogue and Resolution Program
Contact: Brigittine French and Simone Sidwell
This planning project will explore an integrated approach for developing and implementing an institution-wide conflict resolution service. The program will develop a training workshop for minimizing, managing, and resolving conflict within the 51²č¹Żapp College community. The objective of the project is to introduce faculty to the principles of social justice mediation, facilitative dialogue, and negotiations in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.