
Faculty Publications

Publications by Leah Allen

Allen, L.C., and Greenhill, P. (2018). Animal Studies, In (Eds.),

Publications by Tamara Beauboeuf-Lafontant


Publications by Astrid Henry


Cobble, D.S., Gordon, L., and Henry, A. (2014). Feminism Unfinished : A Short, Surprising History of American Women’s Movements (1st ed.). Liveright Publishing Corporation (not available online).

Publications by Lakesia Johnson

Publications by Carolyn Herbst Lewis



Lewis, Carolyn Herbst. “The Gospel of Good Obstetrics: Joseph Bolivar DeLee’s Vision for Childbirth in the United States,†Social History of Medicine 29.1 (February 2016): 112-130.

Lewis, Carolyn Herbst. (2003) “Thirty Years After Roe: The Continuing Assault on a Woman’s Right to Choose,†coauthored with Jane Sherron De Hart, Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 6th edition, edited by Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron De Hart (New York: Oxford University Press), 691-696.

Publications by Clara Montague

Montague, C. (2020). Women’s Studies, In

Publications by Louise R. Noun

Noun, L.R. (1986). Strong-Minded Women: The Emergence of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in Iowa. Iowa State Press (not available online).

Publications by Wenqi Yang

Qualitative Research, 0(0).

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