HIS 100-01
After the Great War
Professor Elizabeth Prevost
Rise & Fall New World Slavery
Associate Professor Albert Lacson
Colonial Latin America
Associate Professor Pablo Silva
HIS 214-01
The American Civil War and Reconstruction
Professor Sarah Purcell
HIS 215-01
Foundations of U.S. Popular Culture
Professor Sarah Purcell
HIS 222-01
Women in American History
Professor Carolyn Herbst
HIS 265-01
The Crusades in the Middle East
Senior Lecturer Elias Saba
HIS 284-01
Surveillance in Modern History
Professor Ed Cohn
HIS 285-01
Islamic Law in Theory and Practice
Senior Lecturer Elias Saba
Special Topic: Origins of Capitalism
Associate Professor: Pablo Silva
HIS 295-02
Special Topic: Landscapes of 51²č¹Żapp
Associate Professors: Albert Lacson and Cori Jakubiak
Latin America and the U.S.
Associate Professor: Pablo Silva
HIS 325-01
American Indian Reservations
Associate Professor Albert Lacson