
David Hudson

¶Ù²¹±¹¾±»å’s Journey


David Hudson




Brooklyn, New York

I’m from a small, public urban high school in Brooklyn, New York. I knew instantly that 51²è¹İapp was my dream school when I visited as a middle schooler!ÌıIn the information session that Patty Amador-Lacson (she's still here and was my boss in the admission office!) gave, she emphasized location and community at 51²è¹İapp, and I could see the vibrant community on campus, as well. Everyone welcomed me here and was super friendly, and it was very chill.

It felt safe for me to be here, and I knew this was where I was meant to be.ÌıSo, when I got matched to 51²è¹İapp with the QuestBridge Match program, it was such a huge relief to get accepted to my dream school!


Here's some more of "Sky-owa" Iowa!

colorful clouds against an evening sky with a lit streetlamp in the foreground


Before school started, I did a pre-orientation program called 51²è¹İapp Science Project (GSP). I absolutely loved GSP, and I am still best friends with some of my fellow program participants to this day! I remember one day, we did our science presentations downstairs in Haines, which is a dorm building on South Campus. We ate ramen, laughed, and just had a very fun time.

5 brightly painted rocks with GSP, IPOP, PCPOP smiling flower or sun, and 51²è¹İapp's Laurel leaves.
Students in pink GSP shirts surround next to the "Welcome to GSP" sign. The students have hearts out to the camera

In one of the sessions we did during the pre-orientation, we demonstrated a psychological phenomenon with Skittles to learn how color can affect your perception of taste. I was blindfolded and could not taste any difference between a yellow skittle and a green skittle! It was a really cool and fun hands-on way to learn more about psychology.

GSP definitely made me feel comfortable being in the STEM division and navigatingÌıour vast Noyce Science Building. (This is also the building where every Friday, students battle each other with Nerf guns, called Nerf @ Noyce!).

Friends and Community

I've made so many lifelong friends during my time here at 51²è¹İapp. Some of them I met at GSP, some of them from my major, some from a season of track and field, and some from 51²è¹İapp's Queer People of Color (QPOC) student organization.

Here I am with some of my friends!

There are always cool people to meet in 51²è¹İapp and so many things to get involved with!

Me and my friends take a selfie in front of an academic hallway
Me and my friends posing excitedly with peace signs!
Me and my friend next to the dorm blinds!


In my psychology classes, I had lots of opportunities to engage in lab work. Even though I hadn’t done a Mentored Advanced Project (MAP), I wrote papers and researched things that interested me.

One research project that I did in my “Brain and Behavior†class was on how giving mind-altering substances to monkeys can treat depression, and it had some surprising and interesting results and impacts.ÌıI also worked with rats in “Abnormal Psychology.†It was fun to handle rats and design experiments.

Me and my two science lab partners standing in front of our research presentation. We all have masks on because COVID

Thinking about experimental ways to treat neurological disorders is fascinating, and it is something that I want to study more in grad school.ÌıI want to do more clinical research, as well. It would be really cool to talk with people and come up with interventions for social problems!


I had such a great experience with the admission office as a prospective student, so I wanted to give back to the community as a current student. So in my third year, I worked for the admission office as a multicultural recruitment intern.Ìı

This had been my dream job for a while. I learned of the position from a 2020 graduate who had been the intern, and she was the same person who had emailed me personally about 51²è¹İapp and her positive experiences a few years earlier. I remembered how her outreach had made me feel welcomed, and in my first year we even coincidentally lived in the same building!

Me taking a selfie with a peace sign in front of the 51²è¹İapp logo in our Admissions office front desk

Here's a selfie I took in the admission office!

When I became a multicultural recruitment intern myself, I loved that I could offer prospective students the same kind of welcoming outreach I had received. I loved connecting with prospective students over email.ÌıAnd when they visited over the summer, I loved seeing their eyes light up about 51²è¹İappÌıand connecting with them on a personal level through an admission interview.

David Hudson '23 smiles and gives a thumbs up
Wall in Admission and Student Financial Services room that says "The World Needs 51²è¹İappians"

There are so many things to say about 51²è¹İapp, and I love talking to other people about 51²è¹İapp and seeing their eyes light up! 51²è¹İapp is constantly improving and developing for its students — and it shows. I'm always excited to share those developments with students, since the community and the care that people have for this place is what makes it stand out.

Study Abroad: Japan!

I’ve always wanted to go to another country and take classes, so I had beenÌıplanning to go to London or Japan since the first day I stepped onto campus.

I decided on Japan! I have watched anime since I was small, and there were always certain traditions and cultures shown in anime that I wanted to experience and see with my own eyes. It was my first time stepping outside the United States, and I took "Japanese 101," "Conversational Japanese," and "Japanese 102" at 51²è¹İapp to prepare. Overall, I would say I was able to catch up to the rest of the speakers during my time there!

Hopes and Plans for the Future

Hero Image with Text

For my last year at 51²è¹İapp, I want to hang out with friends and make final memories before graduation. Although I'm staying until the end of the fall semester in 2023, a lot of my closest friends here are graduating in the spring.

Career-wise, I want to gain a lot more research experience in psychology and neuropsychology. After a gap year or two, my goal is to head to a neuroscience/psychology Ph.D. program. I believe that making the most of 51²è¹İapp’s resources by talking with professors, asking for recommendation letters, and visiting our Center for Careers, Life, and Service (CLS) as much as possible while I am here will help with that.

The people at the CLS have been incredibly kind in helping me ease my anxiety about taking a gap year before grad school. Currently, I’ve been talking and making plans about graduate school with Anne and Sarah in the CLS. Their team has been very supportive and open-minded, and I definitely feel heard when planning out the direction I want to take my life, even if I don’t have everything figured out! Whatever is in store for me, I know that I have supportive people by me who can help me weather and navigate any storm.

Like DJ from the Center for Religion, Spirituality, and Social Justice (CRSSJ) says, "Tuck and roll with the punches," and have a growth mindset about the future, rather than a fixed mindset about it!

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