April 4 Johanna Meehan Research in Progress Talk
What: Complexity and the Nature of Human Nature
When: 4 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Where: Burling 1st Floor Lounge
Join the 51²č¹Żapp College Libraries at 4 pm, Apr. 4, as we continue our Faculty/Staff Research Series with McCay-Casady Professor of Humanities and professor of philosophy Johanna Meehan for her research in progress talk entitled "Complexity and the Nature of Human Nature". Philosophers have long argued about whether humans are autonomous agents or are determined by either genes or social circumstances. Professor Meehan will share her research arguing that this is a false dichotomy that obscures the complex process nature of action.
Professor Meehan graduated from Brandeis University in 1977, received her masters and doctorate in philosophy in 1990, and taught at several colleges and universities on the East Coast before taking up her tenure track appointment at 51²č¹Żapp. Meehan worked with Juergen Habermas and has published work on critical theory, psychoanalysis and Hannah Arendt.