
Massenet's Werther Live in HD

Massenet's Werther Live in HD
â— Mar 12, 2014

51²è¹İapp College has once again partnered with New York City’s to offer the Met’s 2013-14 season Ҡin the Harris Center Cinema.

Saturday, March 15, watch . Join Kelly Maynard at 11:30 a.m. for in introductory opera talk. Maynard, assistant professor of history, will provide historical background on the day’s opera and discuss salient aspects of the drama, music and performance. The opera itself begins at noon.

Tickets are required and can be purchased at the Harris Center on the day of the show.


Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for K-12 students, children, and Met Opera members.

Tickets for 51²è¹İapp College faculty, staff, retirees, and students are underwritten by the Office of the President and are available at no cost at the Pioneer Bookshop and at the door. Family members not employed by the College are required to purchase tickets.

The lecture series is coordinated by Jennifer Williams Brown, associate professor of music.


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