
About Sexual Misconduct

51²č¹Żapp College is committed to providing a learning, living and working environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, including discrimination on the basis of sex or gender. The College prohibits Sexual Harassment as defined by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), which includes Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking. The College also prohibits other forms of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, including as prohibited by Title VII, Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation, all of which are referred to collectively in this guide as Prohibited Behavior.

Definitions regarding forms of prohibited behavior, consent and related concepts, and other terms are listed below (Source: 51²č¹Żapp College Policy, Procedures, and Guide to Preventing, Reporting, and Responding to Sexual Misconduct and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (pdf)).

Adjudication: the process by which the College will resolve formal conduct cases of sexual misconduct.

Advocate: a trained confidential support person.

Amnesty for Alcohol and Other Drug Use: The welfare of students, staff, and faculty is of paramount importance. The 51²č¹Żapp College community encourages the reporting of Prohibited Behavior. Sometimes, students are hesitant to report to College officials or offer assistance to other students because they fear that they themselves may be charged with policy violations, such as underage drinking at the time of the incident. For example, an underage student who has been drinking might hesitate to bring a Complainant to Campus Safety for reporting and/or assistance. It is in the best interest of the 51²č¹Żapp College community for individuals to report allegations of Prohibited Behavior to College officials.

Fear of punitive response from the college should not impede a studentā€™s willingness to call for help in such situations. In cases of physical assault or sexual misconduct, the student coming forward with a complaint shall not face campus conduct charges related to alcohol or other drugs. When a student experiences a physical or psychological crisis while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, neither the student in crisis nor the student(s) calling for help will be subject to punitive disciplinary action. Educational measures to prevent future incidents may still apply. Please be advised that criminal/civil processes function separately from campus procedures and may or may not effect each other. This amnesty policy applies only to campus conduct procedures.

Anonymous Reports: through a secure website, a person can submit anonymous reports related to any misconduct at the College. All reports of prohibited behavior are routed to the Title IX Coordinator. The College does not know the identity of the person reporting but has the ability to communicate with them through the website to offer resources and options. Anonymous Reporting is available on .

Bargaining Unit: a group of employees with a clear and identifiable community of interests who are (under U.S. law) represented by a single labor union in collective bargaining and other dealings with management.

Bias-Motivated Incident: an expression of hostility against a person, group, or property thereof because of such personā€™s (or groupā€™s) identifying or perceived race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, and/or sexual orientation. See also: Hate Crime.

Campus No-Contact Order: cover all areas of campus with the expectation that intentional off-campus contact is also prohibited. Copies of No-Contact Orders are housed within the Division of Student Affairs and with the Office of Campus Safety.

A No-Contact Order prohibits the issued party/ies from being in physical or verbal contact with another party/ies as follows:

  • In person
  • By phone (voice and text)
  • Via third party
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Plans, or any other similar social media platform)
  • By e-mail or internet messaging services or any other internet-based communication
  • Notes, letters, or other written communication
  • Destruction or vandalism of the personā€™s property
  • Use of threats of physical violence both on and off campus
  • Other forms of contact as determined by the designated Senior Official

Additional requirements for proximity, duration, and other details of the Order are written into the outline of the Order at issuance.

Child: a child is defined by as any person under the age of 18 years. The victim of child abuse is a person under the age of 18 who has suffered one or more of the categories of child abuse as defined in Iowa law (physical abuse, mental injury, sexual abuse, denial of critical care, child prostitution, presence of illegal drugs, manufacturing or possession of a dangerous substance).

College employees who, in the scope of their employment responsibilities, examine, attend, counsel, or treat a child are obligated to report suspected physical or sexual abuse of a child. This includes most College employees, including, but not limited to, faculty, coaches, student employees, administrators, and staff. Such College employees, regardless of statutorily-protected or -designated confidentiality, must report to both the 51²č¹Żapp Police Department Dispatch Center (641-623-5679) and Campus Safety (641-269-4600) within 24 hours of receiving a report of alleged child abuse. Both of these numbers are staffed 24 hours/7 days a week.

Coercion: direct or implied threat of force, violence, danger, hardship, or retribution sufficient to persuade a reasonable person of ordinary susceptibility to perform an act which otherwise would not have been performed or acquiesce in an act to which one would not have submitted. Coercion can include unreasonable and sustained pressure for sexual activity. However, a personā€™s words or conduct cannot amount to coercion unless they wrongfully impair the otherā€™s freedom of will and ability to choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity. When someone makes it clear that they do not want to engage in sexual activity, that they want to stop, or that they do not want to go past a certain point of sexual interaction, continued pressure beyond that point can be coercive.

Confidentiality: 51²č¹Żapp College community members who are bound by confidentiality include medical and counseling staff from Student Health and Wellness (SHAW), chaplains, Ombuds, and trained 51²č¹Żapp Advocates (i.e., DVA/SAC advocates). See also: Statutorily-Protected or -Designated Confidentiality.

Consent: the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy is based on affirmative consent. In the spring of 2012, the 51²č¹Żapp College study body voted overwhelmingly to revise the Sexual Harassment and Misconduct policy to incorporate affirmative consent. Consent to engage in sexual activity must be given knowingly, voluntarily, and affirmatively. Consent to engage in sexual activity must exist from the beginning to end of each instance of the sexual activity, and for each form of sexual contact. Consent is demonstrated through mutually understandable words and/or clear, unambiguous actions that indicate a willingness to engage freely in sexual activity. Consent is active, not passive.

  • Each participant in a sexual encounter is expected to obtain and give consent to each act of sexual activity. Consent to one form of sexual activity does not constitute consent to engage in all forms of sexual activity.
  • Consent consists of an outward demonstration indicating that an individual has freely chosen to engage in sexual activity. Relying on non-verbal communication can lead to misunderstandings. Consent may not be inferred from silence, passivity, lack of resistance or lack of an active response alone. A person who does not physically resist or verbally refuse sexual activity is not necessarily giving consent.
  • If at any time it is reasonably apparent that either party is hesitant, confused or unsure, both parties should stop and obtain mutual verbal consent before continuing such activity.
  • Consent may be withdrawn by either party at any time. Withdrawal of consent must also be outwardly demonstrated by mutually understandable words and/or clear, unambiguous actions that indicate a desire to end sexual activity. Once withdrawal of consent has been expressed, sexual activity must cease.
  • Individuals with a previous or current intimate relationship do not automatically give initial or continued consent to sexual activity. Even in the context of a relationship, there must be mutually understandable communication that clearly and unambiguously indicates a willingness to engage in sexual activity.
  • Consent is not affirmative if it results from the use or threat of physical force, intimidation, or coercion, or any other factor that would eliminate an individualā€™s ability to exercise his/her/hir or own free will to choose whether or not to have sexual contact.
  • An individual who is physically incapacitated by alcohol and/or other drug consumption (voluntarily or involuntarily), or is unconscious, unaware or otherwise physically helpless is considered unable to give consent. For example, one who is asleep or passed out cannot give consent.
  • In the State of Iowa, consent can never be given by minors under the age of 16. For those under the age of 16 the law has two distinctions: First, anybody 13 years of age or younger is considered to be a ā€œchildā€ under Iowa Code, section 702.5 and thus, incapable of consent. Second, for the ages of 14 and 15, the consenting partner must be less than 5 years of age apart from the teen.

Dating Violence: any act of violence committed by a person:

  1. who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the Complainant; and b. where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:
    1. The length of the relationship;
    2. The type of relationship; and
    3. The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

Discrimination: denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth, religion, disability, creed or any other protected class. Discrimination has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, or living environment, or studying environment.

Domestic Violence: includes any act of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the Complainant, by a person with whom the Complainant shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the Complainant as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the Complainant under California state law, or by any other person against an adult or minor Complainant who is protected from that personā€™s acts under California state law.

Educational Outcomes (Sanctions): may range from written warning to permanent separation (i.e., dismissal) from the College. They may also include educational, supportive, and/or corrective actions (in combination or singularly) as warranted such as: conduct warning, conduct probation, behavioral expectations (including a campus no-contact order), parental and guardian notification, College-owned residence suspension, College-owned residence dismissal, suspension, campus ban, dismissal from the College, withdrawal from courses, withholding of registration, withholding of degree, or rehabilitative measures.

In general:

  • A Respondent who is found responsible for Non-consensual Sexual Intercourse will typically receive educational outcomes (sanctions) of suspension or dismissal, including a ban from campus.
  • A Respondent who is found responsible for Non-consensual Sexual Contact (where no intercourse has occurred) will typically receive educational outcomes (sanctions) ranging from conduct warning to dismissal.
  • A Respondent who is found responsible for any other prohibited form of conduct will typically receive educational outcomes (sanctions) ranging from conduct warning to dismissal.ā€™

False Allegation: a complaint alleging intentional dishonesty in the contents of a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended, also known as the "Buckley Amendment", provides that schools must follow certain procedures with regard to students' records. In sum, FERPA establishes three rights for students:

  • the right to inspect and review education records maintained by the College;
  • the right to seek to amend education records; and
  • the right to have control over the disclosure of information from education records.

Force: is the use or threat of physical violence or intimidation to overcome an individualā€™s freedom to choose whether or not to participate in sexual activity.

Formal Complaint: The formal resolution process (investigation, hearing and appeal process) is initiated by the filing of a formal complaint. A formal complaint is a written document submitted to the Title IX Coordinator by the Complainant alleging that a Respondent engaged in Prohibited Behavior and requesting an investigation. The formal complaint may be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, or by electronic mail, using the formal complaint form. The Complainant may also contact the Title IX Coordinator directly for assistance in making a formal complaint. At the time of filing the formal complaint, the Complainant must be participating in or attempting to participate in the Collegeā€™s education program or activity. Where a Complainant files a formal complaint and requests an investigation, and the reported conduct falls within the scope and jurisdiction of the policy, the Title IX Coordinator must pursue an investigation.

Gender-Based Harassment: includes harassment based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, which may include acts of aggression, intimidation, or hostility, whether verbal or non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise, even if the acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature when one of the following conditions is present: submission to or rejection of such conduct is an explicit or implicit condition of an individualā€™s employment, evaluation of academic work, or participation in social, co- or extra-curricular activities (quid pro quo); or submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting that individual (quid pro quo); or such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with an individualā€™s work or academic performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, academic, or social environment under both an objective and subjective standard (hostile environment).

Hate Crime: a criminal act that is committed against a person, group, or property thereof because of such personā€™s (or groupā€™s) identifying or perceived race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, and/or sexual orientation.

Incapacitation: Consent cannot be obtained by taking advantage of another individualā€™s incapacitation. Incapacitation is the inability, temporarily or permanently, to give consent because the individual is mentally and/or physically helpless, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or the individual is unconscious, asleep, or otherwise unaware that the sexual activity is occurring. An individual who is incapacitated is not capable of giving valid, affirmative consent.

Incapacitation means an individual cannot understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual activity. An incapacitated individual lacks the physical and mental capacity to make informed, reasonable judgments about whether or not to engage in sexual activity. An individual who is incapacitated may not be able to understand where they are, whom they are with, how they got there, or what is happening.

Further, an individual may be incapacitated as a result of consumption of alcohol or drugs. When alcohol or other drugs are involved, incapacitation is a state of intoxication or impairment that is so severe that it interferes with an individualā€™s capacity to make informed and knowing decisions. Impairment must be significant enough to render an individual unable to understand the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual activity.

Alcohol and other drugs impact each individual differently, and determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individualized determination. The College does not expect students, faculty, or staff to be medical experts in assessing incapacitation. Individuals should look for the common and obvious warning signs that show that an individual may be incapacitated or approaching incapacitation. An individualā€™s level of intoxication is not always demonstrated by objective signs; however, some signs that an individual may be incapacitated include clumsiness, difficulty walking, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating, slurred speech, vomiting, combativeness, or emotional volatility.

Another effect of excessive alcohol consumption can be memory impairment or an inability to recall entire or partial events (sometimes referred to as ā€œblack-outā€ or ā€œbrown-outā€). An individual may experience this symptom while appearing to be functioning ā€œnormally,ā€ including communicating through actions or words that can reasonably and objectively be interpreted as communicating consent to engage in sexual activity. Total or partial loss of memory alone, may not be sufficient, without additional evidence, to prove that an individual was incapacitated under this Policy. Whether sexual activity under these circumstances constitutes Prohibited Behavior depends on the presence or absence of the outwardly observable factors indicating that an individual is incapacitated, as described above.

An individualā€™s level of intoxication may change over a period of time based on a variety of individual factors, including the amount of substance intake, speed of intake, body mass, height, weight, tolerance, quantity and pattern of food and sleep, and drinking pattern, and metabolism. It is critical, therefore, that any individual engaging in sexual activity is aware of both their own and the other individualā€™s level of intoxication and capacity to give consent.

In evaluating affirmative consent in cases involving incapacitation, the College considers the totality of available information in determining two issues:

If either question is answered positively, affirmative consent was absent, and the conduct is likely a violation of this Policy.

The perspective of a reasonable person will be the basis for determining whether a Respondent knew or should have been aware of the extent and amount of the ingestion of alcohol and/or other drugs by the Complainant or of the extent to which the use of alcohol and/or other drugs impacted a Complainantā€™s ability to give consent. See Amnesty.

Live Questioning: a portion of the hearing process includes live questioning by the advisor of the parties. Each party has the opportunity to be heard and to respond to any questions of the Adjudicator and the other partiesā€™ advisor. Each party may question the other party, investigator, or witnesses, through their advisor.

Privacy: information related to a report of alleged misconduct will be shared only with those College employees who ā€œneed to knowā€ in order to assist the complainant(s) and/or aid in the investigation or resolution of the complaint.

Prohibited Behavior: the College prohibits all forms of sexual and gender-based harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and other forms of interpersonal violence. These are umbrella terms which encompass a broad range of behavior. 51²č¹Żapp College community members are fully supported in using the words that they feel express and/or represent their experience - including words like rape, abuse, attack, or fondling - even when the College policy uses these other, more overarching terms when adjudicating and classifying allegations. Within these broad categories, the College specifically prohibits sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence/relationship abuse, stalking, and retaliation. Examples of Prohibited Conduct can be found on the Collegeā€™s Sexual Respect website. An individual who is uncertain about whether their experience meets one of the definitions below should consult with the Title IX Coordinator. In all instances, the College encourages reporting of conduct that is unwelcome or harassing, regardless of whether it appears to meet one of the stated definitions below. The Title IX Coordinator can assist an individual in identifying available courses of action based on the conduct at issue.

Report: information provided to the College that an alleged incident of sexual harassment or misconduct has occurred, regardless of whether individuals have been identified.

Respondent: the individual(s) alleged to have committed sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual exploitation, or stalking, regardless of whether or not formal conduct (corrective) action is taken.

Retaliation: means any adverse action taken against a person for making a good faith report of Prohibited Conduct or participating in any proceeding under this policy. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, deliberately making false statements to intimidate or threaten or cause harm or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging in activity protected under this policy. Retaliation may be present even where there is a finding of ā€œno responsibilityā€ on the allegations of Prohibited Conduct. Retaliation can be committed by any individual or group of individuals, not just by a Respondent or Complainant. Retaliation does not include good faith actions lawfully pursued in response to a report of Prohibited Conduct.

Senior Official: Generally speaking, the initial assessment and subsequent grievance procedures against a Respondent are overseen by an administrator designated as the Senior Official:

  1. Did the Respondent know the Reporting Party was incapacitated?; and if not,
  2. Would a sober, reasonable individual in a similar set of circumstances as the Respondent have known that the Reporting Party was incapacitated?
  • For reports against a student, the Senior Official is the Dean of Students.
  • For reports against a staff member, the Senior Official is the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources.
  • For reports against a faculty member, the Senior Official is the Associate Dean of the College.

Sexual Assault: having or attempting to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact with another individual without consent. This includes sexual intercourse or sexual contact achieved by the use or threat of force or coercion, where an individual does not consent to the sexual act, or where an individual is incapacitated. Sexual assault includes the following acts:

Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse: Having or attempting to have sexual intercourse with another individual without consent. Sexual intercourse includes vaginal or anal penetration, however slight, with a body part or object, or oral copulation by mouth-to-genital contact.

Non-Consensual Sexual Contact: Having or attempting to have sexual contact with another individual without consent. Sexual contact includes kissing, touching the intimate parts of another, causing the other to touch one's intimate parts or disrobing or exposure of another without permission. Intimate parts may include the breasts, genitals, buttocks, mouth or any other part of the body that is touched in a sexual manner. Non-consensual Sexual Contact can occur whether individuals are clothed or unclothed.

Sexual Exploitation: is knowingly committing non-consensual abuse or exploitation of another personā€™s sexuality for the purpose of sexual gratification, financial gain, personal benefit or advantage, or any other non-legitimate purpose. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Observing, recording or photographing another individualā€™s nudity or sexual activity or allowing another to observe, record or photograph consensual sexual activity without the knowledge and consent of all parties involved in a place where the individual would have a reasonable expectation of privacy;
  • Streaming or distribution of private images, photography, video or audio recording of sexual activity or nudity without the knowledge and consent of all parties involved;
  • Prostituting another individual;
  • Exposing oneā€™s genitals in non-consensual circumstances;
  • Exposing another individual to a sexually transmitted infection or virus without his/her/hir knowledge; and
  • Knowingly exposing another individual to a sexually transmitted disease or virus without his/her/hir knowledge; and/or
  • Inducing incapacitation for the purpose of making another person vulnerable to non-consensual sexual activity.

Sexual Harassment: unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual Violence: any physical sexual act perpetrated against a personā€™s will or where the person is incapable of giving consent due to that personā€™s use of drugs or alcohol. Sexual violence includes, but is not limited to, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.

Special Jurisdictional Requirements under Title IX: Title IX regulations, which direct the Collegeā€™s response to some, but not all, of the forms of Prohibited Behavior in this policy, only apply to behavior that occurs in the Collegeā€™s education program or activity in the United States. Where behavior occurs outside of the education program or activity, outside of the United States, or would not meet the definition of Title IX Sexual Harassment (defined below), the College is required to dismiss any allegations in a formal complaint under Title IX. As detailed below, both the Complainant and Respondent may appeal the dismissal of any allegations under Title IX.

However, in keeping with the Collegeā€™s educational mission and commitment to foster a learning, living, and working environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, the College will move forward with an investigation or formal resolution under the same resolution process for all forms of Prohibited Behavior under this policy, including Sexual and Gender-based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, that occur outside of Title IX jurisdiction (e.g., not in the United States, or as noted above, outside of the education program or activity). In this instance, the College is proceeding under this policy, serving as a code of conduct as it relates to sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence.

Stalking: is a course (more than once) of unwelcome conduct directed toward another person that could be reasonably regarded as likely to alarm, harass, and/or cause reasonable fear of harm or injury to that person, or to a third party, such as a roommate or friend. The feared harm or injury may be physical, emotional, or psychological, to the personal safety, property, education, or employment of that individual. Stalking includes 16 the concept of cyber-stalking, a particular form of stalking in which electronic media such as the internet, social networks, blogs, cell phones, texts, or other similar devices or forms of contact are used. Stalking can look like:

  • Unwelcome and repeated visual or physical proximity to a person;
  • Repeated oral or written threats;
  • Extortion of money or valuables;
  • Implicitly threatening physical conduct or any combination of these behaviors directed toward an individual person.
  • Unwelcome/unsolicited emails, instant messages, and messages on online bulletin boards;
  • Unwelcome/unsolicited communications about a person, their family, friends, or co-workers; and/or sending/posting unwelcome/unsolicited messages with another username.

Statutorily-Protected or -Designated Confidentiality: trained professionals who are prohibited from breaking confidentiality unless there is an imminent threat of harm to self or others, or if there are allegations of child abuse.

Supportive Measures: Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, individualized support services that are offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the Complainant when a report is received, and to a Respondent after the filing of a formal complaint. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the Collegeā€™s education programs and activities without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the Collegeā€™s educational environment or deter Prohibited Behavior.

Supportive measures are available regardless of whether the Complainant chooses to pursue any action under this policy, including before and after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed. Supportive measures are available to the Complainant, Respondent, and as appropriate, witnesses or other impacted individuals. The Title IX Coordinator will maintain consistent contact with the parties to ensure that safety and emotional and physical well-being concerns are being addressed. Generally, Supportive measures are meant to be short-term in nature and will be re-evaluated on a periodic basis. To the extent there is a continuing need for supportive measures after the conclusion of the resolution process, the Title IX Coordinator will work with appropriate College resources, including the Disability Resources Office, to provide continued assistance to impacted parties.

Supportive measures may include:

  • Facilitating access to medical and counseling services and assistance in setting up initial appointment, either on or off-campus.
  • Guidance in obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination.
  • Facilitating a meeting with law enforcement to discuss safety planning and law enforcement options.
  • Assistance in arranging rescheduling of exams and assignments and extensions of deadlines or other course related adjustments.
  • Academic support services.
  • Assistance in requesting long-term academic accommodations through Accessibility and Disability Services if the individual qualifies as an individual with a disability.
  • Coordinating a change in class schedule or transferring sections, including the ability to drop a course without penalty.
  • Coordinating alternative course completion options.
  • Allow either a Complainant or a Respondent to drop a class in which both parties are enrolled in the same section.
  • Modifications of the Complainantā€™s or Respondentā€™s College work schedule or job assignment.
  • Change in work or campus housing locations.
  • Assistance navigating off campus housing concerns.
  • Assistance in completing residence relocation.
  • Campus escort services and other safety planning steps.
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus.
  • Leaves of absence.
  • Mutual ā€œno contact order,ā€ an administrative remedy designed to curtail contact and communications between two or more people.3
  • Referral to resources to assist in obtaining a civil protective order.
  • Referral to resources to assist with financial aid, visa or immigration concerns.
  • Any other reasonably supportive measure that does not unreasonably burden the other partyā€™s access to education and that serves the goals of this policy.

Support Person: Complainants and Respondents have the opportunity to consult with and be accompanied by the support person (adviser) of their choice to any related meeting or proceeding under these procedures. The support person (adviser) may be any individual, including an attorney, who is not a witness or otherwise involved in the procedures under this policy. The support person (adviser) is a nonparticipating supporter at any meeting or hearing under this policy and procedures. The support person (adviser) may advise the Complainant or Respondent on the procedural or any other aspects of the matter or assist with the partyā€™s review of documents and appeal process in a manner consistent with this policy. The support person (adviser) may not contact the other party or contact potential witnesses without express authority from the Title IX Coordinator or designee. A party may change their support person (adviser) at any point during the process. The College reserves the right to dismiss a support person (adviser) who is disruptive to College proceedings or does not abide by the restrictions set forth in this policy.

Title VII: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

Title IX: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities which receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX Sexual Harassment: conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  1. A College employee conditions the provision of aid, benefit, or service of the College on an individualā€™s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct; or
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the Collegeā€™s education program or activity;
  3. Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking.

Title IX Deputies: Title IX Deputy Coordinators who can also offer assistance in the areas of conduct process, prevention, athletics, and confidential response and support are available in the following offices:

Bailey Asberry, Title IX Coordinator
641-269-4999 | titleix@grinnell.edu
Mears Cottage, 1213 6th AvenueĢż
Mary Greiner, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Staff Conduct
641-269-4818 | greinerm@grinnell.edu
Mears Cottage, 1213 6th AvenueĢż
Ben Newhouse, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, andĢżDeputy Title IX Coordinator for Student Conduct Process
641-269-3714 | newhouse@grinnell.edu
Rosenfield Center (JRC) 3rd Floor, 1115 8th AvenueĢż
Jeff Pedersen ā€˜02, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Head Track and Field Coach Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics
641-269-4848 | pedersej@grinnell.edu
Bear Center Office F138
Dean of Religious LifeĢżand Adviser Title IXĢż
641-269-4981 |
CRSSJ 913 8th AvenueĢż
Vrinda Varia, Assistant Chief Diversity Officer for Intercultural Student Life andĢżAdviser Title IXĢż
641-269-3711Ģż“„ variavri@grinnell.edu
RosenfieldĢżCenter, 1115 8th AvenueĢż

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