Get Help Now
If you experience a form of sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse, or stalking please consider the following immediate actions.
Contact law enforcement at 911 or Campus Safety 641-269-4600 if you are in immediate danger — both available 24 hours.
- Get away from your assailant and to a safe place if you can.
- Tell the dispatcher this is an emergency situation and where you are. You do not have to give any personal details to the campus safety dispatcher.
- Ask for an advocate, residence life coordinator (RLC) on call, or a law enforcement or safety officer.
Seek medical attention.
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
210 4th Avenue
GRMC can conduct a medical exam. You can request a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) for your exam. If no SANE is available, another nurse will conduct your exam. You may request that a friend, Crisis Intervention Services, chaplain or rabbi, 51²è¹İapp advocate, or any other support person accompany you during the exam. You will not be billed nor will an insurance claim be filed for this exam. To request an advocate, you can call Campus Safety at 641-269-4600.
- You may have an advocate present during your medical exam to help coordinate care and answer any questions you have about the process. A confidential advocate can be contacted via Campus Safety 24 hours a day.
- A sexual assault medical exam has two goals: first, to treat the full extent of any injury or physical trauma and to consider the possibilities of sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy and, second, to properly preserve evidence in case you decide to pursue prosecution.
- There is a limited window of time (typically 72 to 96 hours) following an incident of sexual assault to preserve physical and other forms of evidence. Taking the step to gather evidence immediately does not commit an individual to any course of action. The decision to seek medical attention and gather any evidence will remain confidential and preserve the full range of options to seek resolution through the College’s processes and/or criminal action.
- Important: Do not bathe, douche, brush your teeth, drink, or change your clothing, as you may be destroying evidence you will need if you decide to move forward in a criminal case. If you must change clothing, place them in a paper bag (do not use plastic bags).
- For more information about how law enforcement can help if you choose to go to the hospital, see the handout How the Police Can Help.
Student Health and Wellness (SHAW)
Monday–Friday, 8–5 pm
Lower level of Forum, 1119 6th Avenue
Nurses can provide medical support, STI testing, and emergency contraception, and assist with referrals to other providers as appropriate. Nurses and counselors are also available on-call after hours to direct you to medical help.
Seek support.
Contact one of the support resources available to you both on and off campus, or call a parent, relative, or close friend for support. We encourage any individual who has questions or concerns to seek the support of campus and community resources. These resources can provide guidance in making decisions, information about available resources and procedural options, and assistance to either party in the event that a report and/or resolution under this policy is pursued. Individuals are encouraged to use all available resources, regardless of when or where the incident occurred.
Contact 24-hour local confidential resources (all also available via Campus Safety).
Talk with the Title IX Coordinator about your options.
51²è¹İapp College’s Title IX Coordinator will help review your options for next steps, link you to support resources, and discuss supportive measures with you. You have the agency at each step in the process to set the pace and make your own decisions about how best to proceed, except when there is an immediate threat to the community or a minor is involved. Meeting with the Title IX Coordinator does not require you to pursue disciplinary action.
Regardless of when or where the incident occurred, it is never too late to speak with a support resource about your options.
The College encourages all individuals to seek assistance from a medical provider and/or law enforcement immediately after an incident of sexual misconduct. This is the best option to ensure the preservation of evidence and to begin a timely investigative and remedial response. The College will assist any 51²è¹İapp College community member to get to a safe place and will provide transportation to the hospital, coordination with law enforcement, and information about the College’s resources and processes.